Wednesday 18 September 2019

Hello Everyone,
Today, I would like to spend some time on Google Analytics.
In my review of the Google Marketing Platform, one of the Marketing Products, I am interested in is the Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps to track and report website traffic. Some of the useful features of this tool is the following:
  1. Analytics Intelligence: helps answer business question, proactive insights about the business, and user & conversion modelling
  2. Reporting: Different types of reporting. These reports will help understand how clients interact with the site and will be able to share across the organisation.
  3. Data Analysis and Visualisation: Helps to visualise the data.
  4. Data Collection and management: Helps to organise and manage the data.
  5. Data Activation: helps to make smarter marketing decisions based on the data.
  6. Integrations: Analytics have the capability to work with other Google Solutions and partner products and will help save time and efficiency.

This will be a great tool to analyse the data and turn the data into useful reports for Businesses and allow them to make evidence-based decisions regarding their business.
Thank you All!

September's Stand-up to the Fall!

Hello Everyone,
As there are many changes during this time of the year with the kids beginning school again, the weather changes in the air, work, and starting a new program in college. To manage all aspects I use my gmail calendar to schedule the kids classes, my school classes, and my family events. This calendar is shared with my husband so that we can both view and  have access to it. One of my goals for this year is to focus on meditation and get my kids involved in mindfulness. With all my daily tasks in this modern day fast lifestyle we live in, I have to take time out to pause and breathe every now and then. So, I am interested in the and looking forward to reading blogs on improving a healthy way of living. I also came across which is interesting for me because I always read blogs on food ideas for me and my family as my kids and husband love to try new food. We love trying new restaurants when we are on the road and have a busy schedule as family.

Another thing I love about this time of the year is the holiday planning. This year has been a difficult one for my family as we have lost a very important and special person in our family. Therefore, we do not want to have typical holiday celebrations and would like to travel to a different place for the holidays. It is a perfect time that I come across this blog about travelling

Another thing I would like to learn more about in the year 2019 is Data Analytics and I am super excited to read blogs on analytics as it will give me a different perspective. 

Lastly, I would like to further read into this blog as he is blogging about his journey on parenting with his daughter. It would be quite interesting to read into his insights and experiences and be able to take away any of his lessons and tips to improve my parenting skills.

Thanks Everyone!!!!

Thursday 12 September 2019


Hello Everyone, 

In today’s fast moving world, how do we find the time for everything that we would like to spend time on? Especially, as a mom, how we find the balance between family, career and time for self-care. This is what our journey is going to discover? Empowering is providing the resources to take control of their lives. This blog focuses on providing suggestions, ideas, and my experiences. 

 Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!!!